Monday, November 24, 2014

Second Year Relaxed Hair Journey Anniversary

It's my second year healthy hair anniversary!!! 

This journey so far has been blessed. There have been major setbacks but also major comebacks. Here's to many more years of health and wellness!

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Hair Stats!

Hair Texture? Texlaxed (Relaxed)
Relaxer Brand - Design Essentials
Natural Hair Type? 4b/4c
Salon or Box Relaxer? Salon
The start of my healthy hair journey? November 22nd, 2012
Hair length at the start of my hair journey? Shoulder Length
My current hair length? Grazing APL (arm pit length)
Goal Length? Full APL

Thursday, November 13, 2014

DIY Scalp and Hair Growth Oil Week 3 Update

scalp and hair growth oil
DIY Scalp and Hair Growth Oil Week 3 Update


I created a blend of 4 carrier oils and 4 essential oils that will promote a healthy scalp and stimulate hair growth. 

Daily, I apply the oil lightly to my fingertips and massage it into my scalp in sections.

In a nutshell, I am loving this oil! I initially made 2 ounces of my oil mix but it was good and gone by the end of week two. This time I made about 4 ounces and added a bit more of each of the essential oils.

My scalp is moisturized perfectly and I have no more dry scalp itching. My hair growth is definitely more than normal. Within two weeks I've measured almost 1 inch of hair growth. My normal growth rate is 1/4 to 1/2 of an inch for an entire month.

With that being said I am extremely tempted to end my relaxer stretch at 12 weeks post. I am currently 11 weeks post and detangling my 4C new growth is getting time consuming. I'm not home long enough these days to go through the process and I want to avoid breakage and matting.

I will be trying a new moisture shared by Buttrpecan9 on YouTube this weekend. If it works for me then I'll try to keep pressing on. My last relaxer stretch was 15 weeks.

And although hair tangles are occurring, my new growth is much softer than normal. I attribute that to the scalp and hair growth oil as well.

November 20th will be the last day of this oil challenge. I will do a full review and length check on my YouTube channel.

Thank you for stopping by and if you have a favorite oil mixture please share in the comments below!

God bless and Happy Hair Journey!

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P.O. Box 128787
Cincinnati, Ohio 45212

Shop with me...My Favorite Stores and Brands
10 Dollar Mall - Clothes, Shoes, Purses, Men's Clothing.. Under $10
No More Rack - Unbeatable deals... Everything you love for less!
Swanson Vitamins - Health Foods, Hair Care, Skin Care and More!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

30 Days of Water Challenge Continues

64 ounce monster mug!
{Note our new domain name!}

Last month I joined You Tuber Kay Amoah on a 30 day water challenge. The challenge was simple...kind of. :)

The goal was to drink 3 liters of water each day. That is approximately 101 ounces of H2O!

My goal was to see if I could detect a significant difference in the health of my skin. Unfortunately I was unable to achieve 3 liters of water every day. Throughout the month of October I fell short about seven days. 

I still counted this challenge a success and my body, hair, and skin are reaping the benefits. The greatest benefit has been my energy level. I feel less tired than normal.

This month I get a re-do for the water challenge! RelaxedThairapy and Just Grow Already are hosting a 30 days of water challenge for November.

I'm all in and hope to be more consistent this time around. And even after this challenge is completed my plan is to continue to drink at least 80 ounces of water each day.

If you're skeptical of this challenge, it's better to try and fall short than not to try at all. Water promotes beautiful hair and younger looking skin. It also protects organs and tissues and carries oxygen and nutrients to our cells. It is recommended to drink at least 1/2 of your body weight per day.

For this challenge I am committed to at least 80 ounces of water per day. I'm off to a good start, so we'll see how this goes!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey...


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Monday, November 3, 2014

DIY Scalp and Hair Growth Oil Week 2 Update Length Check

Length Check Archive Photo - June 2014
Happy Monday! :D

Just a quickie update on the progress of my scalp and hair growth oil....

It's been two weeks and I have been consistent with lightly applying and massaging the oil into my scalp daily.

Scalp Health

I put my shampoo and conditioner for dry and itchy scalp on the shelf this month so I can test the strength of this oil alone. So far my scalp itch is minimal to non existent. The overall appearance of my scalp reflects excellent health! Speaking as someone who has had severe dry and flaky skin for over twenty years, I am super ecstatic! I would much rather combat dandruff naturally.

Hair Growth

As far as growth is concerned I have retained almost an inch of hair growth in two weeks. This isn't inversion method results but still much better than my normal hair growth rate which seems to be less than 1/2 inch per month.

I made a mix of 2 ounces and in two weeks I've used 1.5 ounces. I'll be making another 2 ounces this week to get me through the month. On wash days before I pre poo my hair with coconut oil, I apply a more generous amount of my growth oil to my scalp.

Stay tuned to my YouTube channel for my 30 day update video!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey!!!


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