Saturday, September 20, 2014

Amika Digital Titanium Glide Styler 1" Review

Amika Digital Titanium Glide Styler

This is my video review of the Amika Digital 1" Titanium Glide Styler.

I won this styler in a giveaway earlier this year…hosted by Monae Everett.

I love this flat iron. The mirror finish titanium plates means no snagging. The iron literally glides down my hair.
Amika Digital Titanium Glide Styler
The plates generate ionic, far-infrared heat. I flat iron my hair no more than once a month, but still I have not experienced any damage or setbacks!

Watch my short video below for more details!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey!!


Amika Digital Titanium Glide Styler - Obliphica 1" inch

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Starting a Healthy Hair Journey. Seven Tips To Get You Started.

Starting a healthy hair journey? Here are seven tips to get you started!

1. Assess your current hair health.

This will help you know where to begin. Not everyone begins their hair journey from the same starting point.

Is your hair brittle, different lengths, thinning, do you have severe split ends, struggling with itchy scalp and dandruff? Day one of your hair journey may need to begin with a protein treatment, scalp treatment, or a good hair cut.

On your hair journey keep the focus on “your” hair and not someone you’re watching on YouTube. Look to YouTube and hair forums for support, direction and even inspiration, but at the end of the day you have to do what is best for “your” hair.

2. Read “The Science of Black Hair” or equivalent.

There are many books and online articles that will help you understand the science behind black hair and black hair care. Knowing the basics of hair porosity, hair structure, hair growth phases, and the importance of moisture and protein will help you start your journey off right.

(See helpful links to The Science of Black Hair blog below)

Keep in mind that as you do your research you may find conflicting views when it comes to products and techniques, but understanding the science behind our hair will help you make informed decisions when shopping for products and putting your hair regimen together.

3. Identity your goals (Keep a hair journal).

This will help you to be consistent with your hair journey and better track your progress. Before you start any journey you want to identity what the end will be. Otherwise you’ll be wandering aimlessly buying a ton of products you may not need and never reaching any mile stones, because… well... you didn’t set any.

Keep a hair journal so you can track what products and techniques work for you and what doesn’t. After a wash day it helps me to write down what products I used and how my hair felt afterwards. I had to tweak my hair care routine a lot in the beginning so my journal helped me to remember what I tried weeks or months earlier.

4. Start with staple products (Keep it simple).

Depending on your starting point or personal preference, your product staples may differ. It is good to start simple and purchase one brand of each product.

Disclaimer: Product Junkyism is a real thing. Ask anyone who has ten different brands of conditioners that basically does the same thing. Oh wait, that would be me. Lol

Here are my hair care must haves.

  • Sulfate shampoo for clarifying (removing heavy build up)
  • Sulfate-free shampoo for cleansing without stripping moisture
  • Rinse out conditioner for short time conditioning and co-washing (cleansing hair with a conditioner)
  • Moisturizing Deep Conditioner to prevent dry brittle hair
  • Protein Deep Conditioner to strengthen hair
  • Leave in Conditioner
  • Moisturizer
  • A carrier oil for sealing, pre-shampoo treatments, and/or hot oil treatments
  • Styling products (setting lotion, gel, oil sheen, etc.)

5. Put a regimen together that will realistically fit in with your schedule and life in general.

If you set a routine to wash your hair twice a week and you’re a student, have a family and two jobs; this may not be the best regimen for you. Many get discouraged when unable to follow through with their regimen and they give it up altogether.

A hair journey can be a long journey.  You don’t want to burn out early in the game. Set realistic routines and reachable goals.

6. Adjust your regimen as necessary and then be consistent with it.

Once you’ve purchased your staple products and established a weekly schedule of washing, deep conditioning, etc., give your regimen time. Some products and techniques take time to work.

However, if after awhile you are not seeing results, don’t be afraid to make some adjustments. For example, some ladies moisturize their hair every day, but if your hair is thin or less dense, it may leave your hair heavy. You may need to adjust it to every other day.

Have patience as you structure your routine. It will come together in time.

7. Join Hairlista. Network with Others.

Okay, so you don’t “have to” join Hairlista to have a successful hair journey (Hairlista just happens to be my favorite.) J, but find a place where you can network and ask questions.

Trust me, you will have a lot of questions when you’re just starting out and it’s best to ask someone who’s been there and done that versus trying to go about it on your own.

I could go on and on with tips but hopefully these seven will get you off to a good start! I pray you have or are having a successful hair journey and reaching your healthy hair goals! Got questions? Leave them down below I will be sure to answer.

Was this post helpful? If so please subscribe to Relaxed Hair and Skin Care and share with your friends!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey

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The Science of Black Hair Links

Understanding Hair Porosity

Regimen Building Basics

Scalp Care

Relaxed Hair

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Moisturize & Seal Hair with Rosewater & Coconut Oil. Misto Olive Oil Sprayer.

This moisture and seal technique features the Misto Olive Oil Sprayer, rosewater and coconut oil. Moisturizing and sealing my relaxed hair often is a must. It shields my hair from dryness and breakage. Sealing with a natural carrier oil locks in the moisture.

This technique may not work for everyone depending on your hair and how you plan to style it. It works great for me when I am wearing my up in protective styles and not concerned about my hair being weighed down. Although, just a little bit of rosewater and coconut oil go a long way.

In the morning my hair is soft and ready for an up-do!

You can find the Misto Olive Oil Sprayer on Amazon or Bed Bath and Beyond. I found it a bit cheaper at my local Marshalls' for $7.99. The Misto Olive Oil Sprayer is perfect for applying a light application of oil to your hair and it is less messy than applying oil with your hands.

This is a very quick process and my "go to" when I need to moisturize and seal my hair quickly. Most days I still moisturize my hair with the Elasta QP Olive Oil Mango Butter Moisturizer and alternate between almond oil, sunflower oil and hemp seed oil for sealing.

The Misto Olive Oil Sprayer is also great for applying coconut oil to your skin. Coconut oil softens the skin and has anti-aging properties! And keep in mind that coconut oil turns to a solid state when temperatures reach below 76 degrees farenheight. If storing coconut oil in your Misto Sprayer, keep in a warm place.

Watch this short video to see this technique and view the benefits of using rosewater and coconut oil! Thank you for watching!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey!


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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Relaxer Update 3. Hair Growth. Hair Health Challenges.

Relaxed Hair Relaxer Update
Relaxer Update

August 29th, 2014 I relaxed my hair at 15 weeks post. Overall I had a successful stretch and my visit to the salon was wonderful. Primarily because I got to rest and let someone else tackle this hair. (Smile)

My stylist uses the Design Essentials relaxer. She moves quickly with the application leaving my scalp in good shape and my hair with some texture (texlaxed).

Hair Growth Goals

View my video below to review my current hair length (starting at 5:04). I retained more length on the sides than in the back, but this is no surprise. I wore my hair out a lot this stretch and my ends were well exposed to the sun, wind, and my clothing.

My new hair growth goal is to retain two inches of growth between now and the Christmas holiday. This means more hair challenges and more protective styling (wearing my hair in styles that does not expose my ends).

Gaining two inches also means that the back of my hair will be BSL (Bra strap length)! I can't even believe I just typed those words! Haha!

Upcoming Hair Health Challenges

There is a "Thickness" challenge coming up on Hairlista and a "30 Days of Moisture" challenge with Relaxed Thairapy and Just Grow Already. You ladies know that I am all in!

There are more challenges out there but I will focus on these two to start.

Join, subscribe, and stay tuned to my blog for updates!

Blessings and Happy Hair Journey!


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